Zombies & Friends for the mobile game Kill Shot: Virus
Your local guide and friendly companion.

Your local guide and friendly companion.

Radio operator and first time user guide.

Radio operator and first time user guide.

This chap throws spikes from his back! Body sculpted by Ofek Maymoni.

This chap throws spikes from his back! Body sculpted by Ofek Maymoni.

So patriotic!

So patriotic!

High visibility cat caller.

High visibility cat caller.

I wouldn't go so far as to call this a tutorial but you can watch me go from Marvelous Designer to a mostly finished ZBrush sculpt in 4 hours compressed to 30 minutes.

Outfit for a fast running zombie.

Outfit for a fast running zombie.

Zombies & Friends for the mobile game Kill Shot: Virus

A few characters from Kill Shot: Virus. A mobile game I worked on for over a year. I've enjoyed creating all the cloth sims for the team.